
F. DrakopoulosS. SabesanY. XiaA. Fragner, and N. A. Lesica (2024). Modeling neural coding in the auditory brain with high resolution and accuracy.

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S. Sabesan, A. Fragner, C. Bench, F. Drakopoulos and N. A. Lesica (2023). Large-scale electrophysiology and deep learning reveal distorted neural signal dynamics after hearing loss. eLife12, e85108.

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A. G. Armstrong, C. C. Lam, S. Sabesan, and N.A. Lesica (2022). Compression and amplification algorithms in hearing aids impair the selectivity of neural responses to speech. Nat Biomed Eng. 6(6):717-730.

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B. S. Wilson, D. L. Tucci, D. A. Moses, E. F. Chang, N. M. Young, F. G. Zeng, N. A. Lesica, A. M. Bur, H. Kavookjian, C. Mussatto, J. Penn, S. Goodwin, S. Kraft, G. Wang, J. M. Cohen, G. S. Ginsburg, G. Dawson, and H. W. Francis (2022). Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Otolaryngology and the Communication Sciences. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 23(3):319–349.

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N. A. Lesica, N. Mehta, J. G. Manjaly, L. Deng, B. S. Wilson, F-G. Zeng (2021). Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to transform hearing healthcare and research. Nat Mach Intell. 3(10):840-849

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N. A. Lesica (2018). Why Do Hearing Aids Fail to Restore Normal Auditory Perception? Trends Neurosci. 41(4):174-185

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V. G. Rajendran, N. S. Harper, J. A. Garcia-Lazaro, N. A. Lesica, J. W. H. Schnupp (2017). Midbrain adaptation may set the stage for the perception of musical beat. Proc Biol Sci. 284(1866)

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A. J. Keller, R. Houlton, B. M. Kampa, N. A. Lesica, T. D. Mrsic-Flogel, G. B. Keller, F. Helmchen (2017). Stimulus relevance modulates contrast adaptation in visual cortex. eLife 6:e21589

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C. Stringer, M. Pachitariu, N. A. Steinmetz, M. Okun, P. Bartho, K. D. Harris, M. Sahani, and N. A. Lesica (2016). Inhibitory control of correlated intrinsic variability in cortical networks. eLife 5:e19695

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J. A. Garcia-Lazaro, K. N. Shepard, J. A. Miranda, R. C. Liu, and N. A. Lesica (2015). An overrepresentation of high frequencies in the mouse inferior colliculus supports the processing of ultrasonic vocalizations. PLoS One 10(8):e0133251.

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J. W. H. Schnupp, J. A. Garcia-Lazaro, and N. A. Lesica (2015). Periodotopy in the gerbil inferior colliculus: local clustering rather than a gradient map. Front Neural Circuits 9:37.

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D. R. Lyamzin, S. J. Barnes, R. Donato, J. A. Garcia-Lazaro, T. Keck, and N. A. Lesica (2015). Nonlinear transfer of signal and noise correlations in cortical networks. J Neurosci. 35(21):8065-80.

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M. Pachitariu, D. R. Lyamzin, M. Sahani and N. A. Lesica (2015). State-dependent population coding in primary auditory cortex. J Neurosci. 35(5), 2058-73.

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L. A. C. Belliveau, D. R. Lyamzin and N. A. Lesica (2014). The neural representation of interaural time differences in gerbils is transformed from midbrain to cortex. J Neurosci. 34(50), 16796-808.

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J. A. Garcia-Lazaro, L. A. C. Belliveau, and N. A. Lesica (2013). Independent population coding of speech with sub-millisecond precision. J Neurosci. 33(49):19362-72.

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D. R. Lyamzin, J. A. Garcia-Lazaro, and N. A. Lesica (2012). Modelling of variability and covariability of population spike trains across multiple time scales. Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 23(1-2):76-103.

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S. B. Hofer, H. Ko, B. Pichler, J. Vogelstein, H. Ros, H. Zeng, E. Lein, N. A. Lesica, and T. D. Mrsic-Flogel (2011). Differential connectivity and response dynamics of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in visual cortex. Nat Neurosci. 14:1045-1052.

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D. Horvath and N. A. Lesica (2011). The effects of interaural time difference and intensity on the coding of low frequency sounds in the mammalian midbrain. J Neurosci. 31(10):3821-3827.

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L. Khouri, N. A. Lesica, and B. Grothe (2011). Impaired Auditory Temporal Selectivity in the Inferior Colliculus of Aged Mongolian Gerbils. J Neurosci. 31(27):9958-9970.

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A. Singh and N. A. Lesica (2010). Incremental mutual information: a new method for characterizing the strength and dynamics of connections in neuronal circuits. PLoS Comp. Biol. 6(12):e1001035.

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D. R. Lyamzin, J. H. Macke, and N. A. Lesica (2010). Simulation and manipulation of population spike trains with specified time-varying spike rates and pairwise correlations. Front Comput Neurosci. 4:144.

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S. B. Hofer, T. D. Mrsic-Flogel, D. Horvath, B. Grothe, and N. A. Lesica (2010). Optimization of population coding with distance metrics. Neural Netw. 23: 728-732.

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M. Pecka, I. Siveke, B. Grothe, and N. A. Lesica (2010). Enhanced coding of interaural time differences at successive stages in the auditory pathway. J. Neurophysiol. 103(1):38-46.

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N. A. Lesica, A. Lingner, and B. Grothe (2010). Population coding of interaural time differences in gerbils and barn owls. J Neurosci. 30(35):11696-11702.

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G. Desbordes, J. Jin, C. Weng, N. A. Lesica, G. B. Stanley, and J. M. Alonso (2008). Timing Precision in Population Coding of Natural Scenes in the Early Visual System. PLoS Biol. 6(12):e324

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N. A. Lesica, T. Ishii, G. B. Stanley, and T. Hosoya (2008). Estimating receptive fields from responses to natural stimuli with asymmetric intensity distributions. PLoS One. 3(8):e3060

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B. Krebs, N. A. Lesica, and B. Grothe (2008). The representation of amplitude modulations in the mammalian auditory midbrain. J. Neurophysiol. 100(3):1602-9

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N. A. Lesica and B. Grothe (2008). Dynamic Spectrotemporal Feature Selectivity in the Auditory Midbrain. J. Neurosci. 28:5412-5421.

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N. A. Lesica and B. Grothe (2008). Efficient temporal processing of naturalistic sounds. PLoS One. 3(2):e1655.

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D. A. Butts, C. Weng, J. Jin, C. I. Yeh, N. A. Lesica, J. M. Alonso, G. B. Stanley (2007). Temporal precision in the neural code and the time scales of natural vision. Nature. 449:92-96.

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N. A. Lesica, J. Jin, C. Weng, C. I. Yeh, D. A. Butts, G. B. Stanley, J. M. Alonso (2007). Adaptation to stimulus contrast and correlations in the early visual pathway. Neuron. 55:479-491.

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N. A. Lesica, C. Weng, J. Jin, C. I. Yeh, J. M. Alonso, G. B. Stanley (2006). Dynamic encoding of natural luminance sequences by LGN bursts. PLoS Biol 4(7): e209.

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N. A. Lesica and G. B. Stanley (2006). Decoupling functional mechanisms of adaptive encoding. Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 17(1):43-60.

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N. A. Lesica and G. B. Stanley (2005). An LGN inspired detect/transmit framework for high fidelity relay of visual information with limited bandwidth. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 3704:177-186.

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N. A. Lesica and G. B. Stanley (2005). Tracking receptive field modulation during natural stimulation. IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehab. Eng. 13:194-200.

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N. A. Lesica and G. B. Stanley (2004). Encoding of natural scene movies by tonic and burst spikes in the lateral geniculate nucleus. J. Neurosci. 24(47):10731-10740.

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N. A. Lesica, A. S. Boloori, G. B. Stanley (2003). Adaptive estimation in the early visual pathway. Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 14(1):119-135.

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